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Calling Worth the Wailing Women to Warfare & Intercessory Prayer! Perilous Times Are Here.... Judgment comes and is even at your door. Choose this day who you will serve - do not delay your decision.   Tomorrow may be too late for you.  Calamity falls on every side. But I The Lord will protect and guide my children.  Arise and go forth to reap the harvest as many will be ripe and made ready to receive me as judgments befall around the world.  Deaths, suffering, many turn to look for the safety and security they once knew, but it flees from them.   Stability is a thing of the past. Mine can and will rest in Me, their Rock and Salvation.   Trust and obey - stay close to me. Keep oil in your lamps as the days grow darker. Shine your lights for me and win souls. Do great exploits that my spirit will empower and draw many to me.   Jeremiah 9: 17 - 21 #judgment #tribulation #end times #rapture #3daysof darkness #intercessory prayer #bibleprophecy
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